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Mini eBooks – Combos



Mini eBooks – Combos


Mini book: How to present an idea200.00
how to write an award winning ad200.00
How to write an ad film200.00
How to design200.00
how to write a headline200.00

Mini eBook Collection

Take your time. Go through the previews of the books. And then simply select the ones that you think will help you the best. You can select all of them, or some of them, depending on what interests you.

Mini eBooks – Combos



Mini eBooks – Combos


Mini book: How to present an idea200.00
how to write an award winning ad200.00
How to write an ad film200.00
How to design200.00
how to write a headline200.00

Testimonials ❤

Straight from the Happiness Factory!

  • testimonials

    He cussed, he memed, he shouted but at the end of the day he taught me what 5 years of formal education couldn't do, teach me copywriting and lots of life. Thank you, Bo for existing.


  • The flow of the books is planned really well. They’re one of those books that don’t need page numbers as they’re a breeze to read. The perspective they bring is refreshing and overall, it feels like a closed loop with the actionable briefs in the end. These don’t feel like books, they feel like conversations with Bo.


  • These books are really good, and SO EASY to read which is great for people like me :)


  • The look and feel of them is super fun with all the colours and creatives. I feel even a 15 year old would love to read them or someone who isn't much of reader short and insightful reading material like this is very useful.


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