Insert AI generated picture to make me cooler than I really am


Hello hello hello.

I’m Bodhi, but you can call me Bo (everyone does, for the most part). I’ve been in advertising for a long, long time. And if you stay in one profession long enough, you either get moderately good at it, or you get bored af and quit. I’m moderately good at it.

Of course, I wouldn’t have been, if I didn’t have some truly great fucking mentors pushing me when I first started off.

And that’s honestly why I created this platform. To give you access to the things I’ve picked up along my career as an advertising copywriter. I’m going to be honest and tell you right off the bat, no traineeship at an advertising agency will give you the depth of knowledge that my masterclasses and month-long traineeships will give you.

Not being cocky here, just honest.

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